Wednesday, 21 December 2011

how to lose weight without exercise

I smile whenever I view an books claiming to give the customer “ultimate diet tips Why? Because losing weight isn’t that difficult. You don’t need to do 200 different strategies. In fact, weight loss needs just 2 easy steps. Guess what else? Neither of these steps is working up a sweat if you don’t want it to be.

Step 1:

Understand what your daily calorie maintenance level. This is the number of calories your body needs to work off each day. Acquiring (or a close enough estimate) is quite easy. To do that you can find many calculators on the net.

Step 2:

After you get your calorie maintenance level, it’s time for some very simple subtraction. There are around 3500 calories in one pound. So, if you were eating 3500 calories under your body needs each week, you would end up shedding one lb per week. Since there is 7 days in a week, this comes out to be 500 less calories than your maintenance level each day. (3500calories ÷ 7days = 500calories less per day)

lose weight fast without exercise

Here’s an e.g
Let’s pretend your daily calorie maintenance level came out to be 3000 calories. To lose 1 lb per week, you need to be eating 500 less calories a day. So, in this case study you will start to eat 2500 calories per day from now on. Doing so would create a total change of 3500 calories a week and therefore cause a weight loss of around 1 pound per week.

And that's the end the 2 easy steps to lose weight without exercise.

Having read that and taken action and you are still struggling to lose weight, i would advise to add a little exercise into your routine (it does not have to be sweaty work going for a walk with your dog is one example or walking to the shop instead of taking the car.). It has great effects on the body (it does not just burn those calories it also helps reduce stress and believe it or not helps stop you feeling tired. This combined with the steps above will have you losing weight in no time.

Visit How to lose weight without exercise

be sure to visit motivation for weight loss too, for some useful tips!

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